When managing anything you always collect documentation that relates to the thing you are managing. We spend countless hours organizing documents and making sure they are available in a place we know and understand. With Yoke, we give you a way to associate your documents with the event you have created! No more looking at thumb drives or trying to find a receipt on your computer. Yoke gives you one place to see all the documents you created and those you have scanned or downloaded. Be it a venue contract, receipt, or customer engagement contract, Yoke has you covered!
We also have built in security so you can share these folders with other members who are working with you on the event. If it’s private you can keep it private!
Click on the Documents button in the event details menu.
Enter a Folder Name you would like to create within your Library.
Create folders as needed to store documents about your events.
Add a document in a folder by clicking on the folder and click Add to add a document.